Sonntag, 11. September 2011

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Answer hello kimber, the freshman year in high school, which tends to coincide with ages 14 or 15, is often a time of difficulty for many adolescents.
Not only are they entering high school and dealing with the transition to a new school and often tougher assignments, but they are trying to cope with their changing bodies.
Punishing her and setting new rules may not bring about a rapid change.
However, she still needs her mother.
One of the ways i think parents need to approach their kids when there are so many things going wrong is to think about what you as an adult most need when everything seems to be amiss.
Do you need criticism, punishment, and harshness?
Do you need your best friend yelling at you?
You need those who love you to be supportive and kind to you.
You need a hug and for someone to tell you everything is going to be okay.
Then, apply this to your daughter.
What do you suppose she needs from you right now?
I know they were for me when i was your age.
But, you know what?
I still love you and things are going to get better.
Ask her what you can do to help make things better.
Just hang in there, letting her know that the two of you do need to talk about it and find a way to solve it.
I hope this helps.
Let me know what other questions you have.

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